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  • Writer's pictureportillocindyd

Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy

I was 28 weeks when one evening I took a late evening shower and decided to work on my school paper that was due at midnight. I noticed that after I sat down on my computer desk my calves felt itchy. My initial thought was “hmm, I just got out of the shower” why am I itchy? But I didn’t think anything of it because I was busy with my work. As days passed I started to notice that I was itchier. I was starting to become disturbed by how itchy I felt. I instantly googled one night. It must have been around 3 a.m. and I was itching like crazy, especially my legs and feet this time. So I googled “is itchiness normal during pregnancy” and sure enough the first thing that popped up was Cholestasis of pregnancy. When I read all of the details of what that was I felt extremely worried and concerned. I closed my google tab and immediately messaged my doctor. Later that day she ordered me to go get blood drawn and sure enough two weeks later after my results came in and my bile levels were slightly elevated. I was devastated because I had such an easy pregnancy thus far. Everything was such a breeze. I didn’t experience any morning sickness or any other debilitating symptoms. After she explained that moving forward I needed to be monitored twice a week and needed to see a high-risk OB DR. I was so hurt. I didn’t want anything to happen to my newborn. I felt so sad every time the risks of cholestasis were mentioned to me. I didn’t know what was going to happen. And I now needed to be induced at 36-37 weeks. I couldn’t go past that because it was too risky. The lack of support that I felt, and the loneliness were a lot to deal with. I felt so alone for the remainder of my pregnancy. I didn’t know what was going to happen next but I just hoped for the best. Luckily I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy at 36 1/2 weeks. All of my sadness and worries were instantly gone once I knew we would be okay. Cholestasis is something no one I know knows about. It is a disorder that affects 1 in 1000 pregnant women. Every time I talked I felt like I was speaking another language. Awareness of this disorder is so important because nobody ever knows what I am talking about when I mentioned why I was getting induced. Having Cholestasis left me traumatized. I am not sure that I would ever want to feel as lonely and hopeless as I did when I was pregnant with my rainbow baby. Because that is what my son is to me. He’s a miracle considering how many years it took for me to get pregnant and then give birth to him.

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